It seems with all the costs rising on everything sticking to a budget is getting more difficult.Here are some things you could be overlooking in your monthly budget.Be Well,Anisa 1. Auto Maintenance And Repairs… We have to take care of our cars but we never know when something will happen. So, be proactive to avoid costly repairs down the road. Make sure you get your oil changed and pay attention to issues. And if a mechanic brings a major problem to your attention, don't ignore it. Instead, get a second and perhaps a third opinion. Then, take care of it. 2. Pet Care… We love our pets but they have needs, too. And sometimes, those needs aren't as cheap as you think. So, don't forget to factor in the costs of routine care as well as doctor visits. URGENT NOTICE: The factory messed up…That means BIG SAVINGS on this Combo Set!65 Percent Off Today 3 Regular Fees… Are you responsible for obligations payable quarterly or annually? If so, it's best to divide the quarterly payment by three or the annual payment by 12 to figure out a monthly amount. Then, set aside the necessary funds each month so you won't...
Month: July 2021
5 Tips For Heading Into Retirement Solo
I thought this was interesting. Roughly one-third of 45-63-year-olds are single, most of whom never married, or at this time are divorced according to a study in "The Gerontologist."The study also revealed, fewer are having children.What does this mean for the thousands of boomers retiring every day? Potentially a smaller support network to help with the basic care/help/ and guidance often needed by people as we age.Childless retirees will face a slew of additional challenges, and perhaps some advantages. We may still need to provide care for our parents, as they age, but we won't have children to help care for us as we age.Without a spouse or children, the odds of becoming isolated (either physically or socially) increase dramatically.Below are some tips to increase your odds to live as independently as possible throughout your retirement.Be Well,Anisa 1. Plan For A Happier & Healthier Retirement… We are living longer. Some of us may even live to 100 or beyond. Others may not make it to full retirement age. It is never too soon to plan and save for a happier and healthier retirement. Set aside money medical emergencies. Budget for other medical care like massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and other...
5 Excuses Proven to Get Drivers Out of Traffic Tickets
AAA says already this year is a big year for road trips. That means more time in our cars and the chance for us to get a ticket.No one likes tickets so if, and I hope you don't, do get pulled over, try one of these five excuses.I hope it helps and safe travels if you are embarking on a trip!Be Well,AnisaAs always please reply with your thoughts and comments.Missed an issue? Visit Here The Five Most Successful Excuses… For example, the next time a cop stops you while driving, try uttering the excuse, "I didn't know I was speeding." About 26% of the time, this can get you out of a ticket, according to's third annual "Caught Speeding" survey of 1,000 drivers' habits. Overall, excuses probably work better than you think when faced with the possibility of a ticket. Almost 50% of survey respondents say using an excuse with a police officer helped avoid a ticket. That's nearly double the success rate reported in 2020. The Five Most Successful Excuses…1. I didn't know I was speeding - 26%2. Medical emergency - 25%3. Everyone else was going the same speed - 22%4. Late for work - 21%5. I had...
Planning To Travel This Summer? Here 5 Scams To Avoid
As more of us venture out of pandemic isolation and head for long-awaited vacations and reunions with family and friends, we are whetting the appetite of a class of scam artists who target travelers, says Lois Greisman, director of the Federal Trade Commission's Division of Marketing Practices.Below are five current travel scam that AARP is reporting about and how experts say you can avoid them.The number 3 listed one, my brother fell for! I never thought this could happen to him. He is intelligent and fairly web savvy. It just shows the level of sophistication scammers have gotten!Be Well,Anisa 1. Free or Rock-Bottom Deals… Phone calls, emails and postcards with enticing travel offers look tempting, but a deal that's way under the value of a trip - like five nights in a hotel plus airfare to Maui for $200 - means it's probably a scam, says Amy Nofziger, AARP anti-fraud expert. Avoid this scam: Simply walk away from any deal that seems too good to be true. And if a company asks you to pay with a prepaid gift card instead of a credit card or debit card, it's a scam, Nofziger says. Always work with a trusted travel agency...