Today we'll be diving into the power of silence and why it isn't easy and why you need to practice it!This article by Stephanie Ludwig, PhD, MA, MDiv, Director of Spiritual Wellness at Canyon Ranch Tucson is a helpful tool to understanding and mastering it.Suddenly you have downtime. What do you do?Chances are, you're geared to filling in that time-probably without even thinking about it-by answering a few emails, doing a little work, cleaning, surfing the web, or catching up on your recorded TV shows. You may not think to yourself, I think I'll sit in silence.Yet most of us crave more downtime, more stillness. So why don't we make it happen?"Silence can make us uncomfortable because we're so used to distracting ourselves from what we're feeling-from difficult emotions like fear, resentment or anger," says Stephanie Ludwig."When we're truly and intentionally silent, we have to face whatever is inside of us." Instead, we keep moving and making plans and doing things for others. "We live in such a 'doer' culture-go, go, go, do, do, do," Ludwig notes. "If we really knew the blessings that come from being in silence, we would definitely make more time for it."Be Well,Anisa What Being...
Month: October 2021
Over 65? Stop Doing This ASAP!
Slowly sipping on a cup of coffee is one of life's simple pleasures.Nothing beats that warmth, comfort, and energy boost it gives you as you dive into your to-do list for the day… that is, until it gets cold. If you're the kind of person who gets intensely focused on something, chances are you forget about your drink until it cools down and you need to make a trip to the microwave. Unfortunately, reheating coffee in the microwave has some serious downsides.It isn't just coffee! Today we'll explore this in greater detail.Be Well,Anisa Microwaves Don't Heat Food Evenly… As we all know from experience, microwaves don't heat food evenly. Cold spots happen because the food heats up from the outside in, as The New York Times points out. This might seem like a simple inconvenience, but it could actually become a health hazard. Michigan State University reports that those cold spots in your food can harbor pockets of bacteria that don't die after a few minutes in the microwave. You may be tempted to ignore those cold spots. After all, you probably haven't gotten sick from them yet, right? However, microwaved food has been linked to foodborne illnesses in the...
Grow Your Savings With These 5 Tricks
Who doesn't want to save money? It may seem hard, but you are probably overlooking these simple ways to accumulate some extra savings.This is beyond what we normally hear of cutting the cable cord and dropping the morning mochas, but those suggestions seem like work. So, rather than make saving a chore, make it a game!Following are five ways to play the savings game.Be Well,Anisa 1. Stash Away What You Save On Deals And Cash Rebates… The next time you score a deal, be it through shopping at a sale or using a coupon, put the difference between the regular price and the discounted price in the bank. This strategy can not only help you save more but also lead you to shop less. After all, those $50 jeans will still effectively cost you $50 in the end. So, this strategy can help you decide if something is really worth spending money on. To bulk up your savings a lot faster, bank your cash rebates too. 2. Never Get A Raise Again… Another painless savings strategy is to bank all of your raises. If you can pay bills on your current income, you can simply send all that extra money...