Month: September 2022

5 Potential Warning Signs Your Feet May Be Telling You

Hello Friend,While our eyes are believed to be the windows to our souls, could our feet be the windows to our overall health?"The foot is a complicated body part, but something we often take for granted," said Joseph Dobrusin, a podiatrist at Banner Health Center. "While we usually don't get concerned about our feet until we've bruised, sprained or broken something, our feet can tell us a great deal about our overall health."Dr. Dobrusin shares eight things your feet could be telling you about your health. As you read these symptoms, don't freak out just yet and rush to the doctor to have your feet checked. Most likely, you are just fine. Dr. Dobrusin has this sage advice:"Look, common things are common, and rare things are rare," he said. "The likelihood is that you are perfectly fine. Most likely your symptoms are benign, but it is important to be aware of anything that could be an underlying health condition."Be Well,Anisa 1. Cold Feet and Toes… Possible medical issue: vascular disorders due to familial tendencies, diabetes, smoking and other factors, peripheral artery disorder (PAD) or circulation problems due to diabetes While you may just need to bundle up and sit by...

Tips For Sensitive Skin

Hello Friend,Here's a shocking statistic… the average woman uses 12 different products with over 100 unique ingredients in them every day.On top of all that, if you add in some stressors, hormonal changes, and even anxiety, you can see an increase in your skin sensitivity!If you're looking for relief, check out some of these strategies for calming your complexion.Be Well,Anisa Allergic Reactions… Skin freak-outs that arrive at lightning speed are typically an immune response to something that doesn't agree with your system. Constantly flaring up? That's often caused by genetic abnormalities in your skin's barrier function. Translation: If Mom's skin erupts when exposed to certain products, yours could, too. What to do? Ease symptoms with a homemade milk compress: Soak a cloth in equal parts warm water and milk, then place on irritated areas. Aloe and over-the-counter cortisone cream are also helpful. Super Dry Skin… If your face feels tight and has a sand-papery texture, it could be dry-or simply dehydrated. It could be a result of your diet, the weather, or the products you're using. Dry skin doesn't produce enough oil, so it's always in need of a dose of moisture. And when dryness peaks, skin cells can start...

Join me in being Flawsome!

Hello Friend,I had coffee with some friends on Saturday it was a glorious morning and we sat outside soaking in the last bits of summer.We talked and gabbed about a whole lot of things and one friend, Robin, said she's Flawsome.WOW… what a great expression. No doubt about it we are all flawed and we are all awesome (even if you don't think you are, YOU are!).Let's dive deeper into why being Flawsome is good for us.Be Well,Anisa Accepting Our Flaws… Don't look at accepting flaws as a lack of ambition, look at it as compassion and self-love. When we learn to accept our flaws, we're not vulnerable to people's judgements or opinions towards us. Let's embrace the fact that we're a human, still learning and it is all a journey. When we accept our flaws, we learn how to be happy with who we are. Why Is It Important To Be Flawesome? Embracing your flaws does many things like: - It's liberating and lightens us up. - We become authentic, our own self. - It makes us healthier. - We become less prone to be judgemental and start opening up to the imperfections of others. - And the most...