Month: November 2022

Sam’s Club Secrets You Should Know

Hello Friend,Last week we talked about Costco, this week I'm sharing Sam's Club Shopping Secrets.I find myself shopping at Sam's Club more because it is closer and they offer early morning hours for Plus members which means I can get in and out of there really fast!Like Costco there are discounts galore, but there are some other ways to save time and money. Did you know these tips?Be Well,Anisa Discounted Gift Cards… Customers can save up to 25% on a selection of gift cards. From restaurants to retail stores, the discounted gift cards can be purchased both online and in-store. The Secret of Prices Ending in 1… If a price ends in a 1, it's a sale price on a clearance item and it will never be lower. So if you see something you like with a 1 at the end, you might want to grab it before it's gone. Learn The Sam's Club Alphabet… Sam's Club also has a unique system of categorizing their deals. On the upper right-hand corner next to the item number, there's a letter that indicates the following: A: Active - the item is normally carried in store.N: Never out - the item should always...

6 Costco Shopping Secrets You Should Know

Hello Friend,I love shopping at Costco. I don't do it as often as I like because there isn't one close to me and the hours aren't optimal.While Costco is loaded with deals and discounts did you know there are some secret pricing strategies and more that can save you even more money?With the following shopping secrets, you can maximize your savings.Be Well,Anisa 1. Look For Price Tags That End In .97… At Costco, these two numbers at the end of a price signify that an item has been marked down. So when you see the big 9-7, you know it's a deal. While you're at it, pay special attention to those items ending in .88 or .00. These are usually display items, returned items, or end-of-inventory items with a manger's discount. 2. Take Note Of The Tags With Asterisks… In Costco-speak, the asterisk means that product won't be getting a reorder. So when you see this symbol on the price tag of one of your favorite items, it's time to stock up! 3. Ask For Price Matching… If you happen to buy a product right before it hit Costco's clearance section, fear not: The store is happy to refund you...

The Easy To Do and Many Benefits of an Eye Massage

Hello Friend,Lately I've been hearing more and more about Eye Massages. It sounds weird but a simple massage around your eyes can help improve lymph drainage and boost circulation.This can ease inflammation and also reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes.So how do you give yourself an eye massage? Here is the step by step instructions.Be Well,Anisa How To Give Yourself An Eye Massage… - Use the fingertips of your index and middle fingers to gently tap in a circle around your eyes. This can help increase blood flow to the area. - Start along your eyebrows, then move your fingertips outward to the edge of your eyes, and down along the top of your cheekbones, moving inward toward the bridge of your nose. - Circle your eyes three times with your fingertips. - Then, using your middle fingers, press upward on either side of your nose, right below your brow bone. - Next, using your middle fingers, press inward toward your nose, next to your tear ducts. - Be careful not to pull or drag your skin while you're moving your fingertips around your eye area. Repeat this massage for 30 seconds or more to wake up...

The Scary Things About Glaucoma You Need To Know

Hello Friend,Here's the scary thing about glaucoma. You might not know you have it until you've lost a lot of your peripheral vision, and maybe even some of your central vision.I found this from Banner Health and I thought I would share it.As Jillian Colson, MD, a comprehensive ophthalmologist at Banner – University Medicine Ophthalmology Clinic in Tucson, AZ says, "Most people with glaucoma are completely asymptomatic until they reach the late stages of the disease."Below is a host of information you to know about this dangerous eye condition.Be Well,Anisa What Is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is the name for a group of conditions that damage the optic nerve and can cause irreversible vision loss. It's typically caused when the pressure inside of the eye gets high. However, Dr. Colson points out that some people have damage from glaucoma even with normal eye pressures. Along with high eye pressure, you're also at risk for glaucoma as you get older, if you have a family history of glaucoma, use steroids or have experienced eye trauma, such as injury or severe infection. Even children can develop glaucoma, but it's more common in adults. How Do I Know If I Have Glaucoma? Some types of...

4 Reasons It May Be Time For A Sleep Divorce

Hello Friend,A sleep divorce is becoming more popular and in some instances may even save a marriage or romantic partnership.It isn't as drastic as it sounds… but just the simple arrangement where a couple sleeps separately from each other.They either sleep in separate beds or separate rooms. While it may not be ideal for your sex life, for many it can help save a relationship and be extremely beneficial for each other's health.Be Well,Anisa Better Sleep… From a practical standpoint, separate beds can boost sleep quality. This can be because of snoring, different sleep patterns or even the fact that your partner likes to stay up late watching TV or reading while you want to sleep. Without these distractions you will be able to get a better night's sleep. Fewer Arguments… If your partner's sleep patterns are sabotaging your shut-eye, chances are you're feeling irritable. Sleeping apart will help for each of you to settle into your own sleep pattern. Increased Intimacy and Longing… Does absence makes the heart grow fonder? In this case sleeping apart can make intimacy more special and something you both look forward to. More "Me Time"… If you or your partner enjoy reading or watching...