I thought this was interesting. Roughly one-third of 45-63-year-olds are single, most of whom never married, or at this time are divorced according to a study in “The Gerontologist.”
The study also revealed, fewer are having children.
What does this mean for the thousands of boomers retiring every day? Potentially a smaller support network to help with the basic care/help/ and guidance often needed by people as we age.
Childless retirees will face a slew of additional challenges, and perhaps some advantages. We may still need to provide care for our parents, as they age, but we won’t have children to help care for us as we age.
Without a spouse or children, the odds of becoming isolated (either physically or socially) increase dramatically.
Below are some tips to increase your odds to live as independently as possible throughout your retirement.
Be Well,
1. Plan For A Happier & Healthier Retirement…
We are living longer. Some of us may even live to 100 or beyond. Others may not make it to full retirement age. It is never too soon to plan and save for a happier and healthier retirement.
Set aside money medical emergencies. Budget for other medical care like massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and other nontraditional treatments. You don’t want to be 55 or 65 and be playing catch up for retirement.
Even worse you don’t want to wake up one day and realize you don’t have enough money to pay rent or buy food.
2. Make New Friends & Keep The Old…
Isolation is commonplace in retirement. There have even been studies showing that retiring early can shorten some life spans.
The happiest retirees I know have active social lives. They have routines, hobbies and most of all friends. Without a full-time job you have more time to fill. Take up a hobby and make new friends.
See what your old friends are up too, try set a monthly lunch or brunch. Your days will be full before you know it.

3. Identify Your Most Trusted Friends…
Who is the person (or persons) that you would want to be your emergency contact? Someone who can check in on you from time to time, or, notice if you went missing?
4. Right Size Your Housing…
More and more people are looking to remain in their homes as long as they can. This can put a strain on your budget. Look for ways to cut down on the maintenance required to keep a home.
Alternatively, even consider a Golden Girls type living situation where you live some fun friends. This lowers the cost for everyone, and you have some built-in friends.
5. Enjoy Life Today & In The Future…
Your golden years aren’t all doom and gloom. Have fun and enjoying life is important for people of all ages. The activities may just vary a bit. Hey, 90 is the new 70.
In Closing…
Retiring single or without children has its advantages and disadvantages. With a little extra planning, you can have a fun and fabulous retirement. With some proactive advice, your retirement can be even happier, healthier and wealthier.