I’m Moving!

The house I’m moving from was my dream house, but now that I’m older I find it too big, too expensive and too hard to keep up!

I got to thinking I’m probably not the only one who has struggled with “should I move”.

Today, let’s delve into this question. It is one many of my friends have/are asking too.

Be Well,

Hot Home Market…

For me it was a quick decision, but still difficult. With the housing market so good right now and the impending “correction” I figured I would never get more for my home than now.

And being that I’m downsizing, I was still able to find a place that, sure I overpaid, but I more than made up for it on the sale of my house.

Don’t pay that expensive TV price
Get the Boost Stick and/or Trio Sticks for 1/2 price
Virtually the same, some say better!

Is Selling/Moving Right For You?…

There are so many factors to think about. Here are some of the key factors that experts say you should consider.

– Your monthly budget leaves little leftover cash
– You’re feeling overwhelmed with home maintenance
– Your home no longer fits your needs
– You’re the oldest resident in your neighborhood
– You’re not using all the property (unused rooms or amenities)
– You want to be closer to family

In Closing…

There is no magic way to figure this out, but if you have more YES answers to the above questions, you should consider doing so.

When I considered it, I called a realtor to come and evaluate what they thought my house should list and sell for. The number was more than I thought and that is what really made my decision easy.

My house sold in a week with two offers! Now I’m in packing mode and shedding all my extra stuff.

If you are considering this, let me wish you the best of luck!

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