Skincare Tips to Get Your Skin Summer Ready

Judging by the amount of passengers on the flights I’ve been on, travel is back!

As you prepare for your summer trip, don’t forget to prepare your skin too.

With flip-flop and shorts season just around the corner, use these summer skincare tips to prepare for sunny weather ahead.

Be Well,

Summer Skincare Starts with Exfoliation…

For most of us it has been many months of cold weather which can leave your skin feeling dry and cracked.

Start preparing your skin for summer with an exfoliating scrub on your face and body.

Exfoliation benefits your winter skin in many ways. First, it sheds dead skin cells and encourages the growth of new ones. Your skin will look brighter, smoother and less oily which can unclog pores and clear up acne.

While it’s important to exfoliate often, avoid over-exfoliation by only lightly scrubbing your skin once a week.

Try This: Vita Refine Exfoliating Face Scrub – Weekly Treatment For Exceptional Skin… 66 %Off for Third Age Readers

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate…

Did I mention you need to hydrate? Of course it is always important to drink water, but don’t forget to hydrate your skin!

While hot showers provide much-welcomed humidity, water that’s too hot can have alternate effects. Ease the impact of your daily cleansing routine by swapping your products to a gentle cleanser like the WH6. A good cleanser will also heal your skin.

And, don’t forget to moisturize from head to toe to offset cracked skin on your elbows, feet and everywhere in between.

A few recommended products are:

For Face and Elbows, try the NR8 Skin Conditioner

The silky body balm nourishes and hydrates your skin with mineral-rich organic seaweed that seals in moisture and improves skin elasticity.

For Feet we always recommend Savex Foot Care Salve.

This top-rated product is also mega-affordable which is rare when you have a product that works so good! You can read the many 5-star reviews!

Get Sun Ready

When summer is finally here I’m sure you’ll be spending more time outdoors like laying on the beach, sitting by the pool, outdoor dining and active pursuits. So protecting your skin from the sun may be the most important part of your skincare routine.

But lathering on the sunscreen isn’t always the best. Make sure you use a good quality sunscreen that has a minimum amount of chemicals. A good one to use is Anthelios Ultra Light Facial Sunscreen.

Additionally, you can also take sun precautions with a hat, long sleeves, sunglasses and avoid outdoor activities in the peak of the day.

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